
Saturday, January 26, 2013


For some time now (years) I have been meaning to create my family tree.

I started collecting photos of my relatives and asked for birth dates and names. And then things got too difficult and I stopped.

Recently my brother sent me a whole heap of photos he collected from my cousin when he visited Portugal a year or so ago. I had no idea he collected the photos and only now did he have a look through them to send.

There is heaps of information right there. I know my grandmother's father's parents name. I know that my grandmother was named after her mother, and like her, died too soon. I never met my grandmother from my dad's side, so seeing photos of her is great.

She was so beautiful.

Now I am obsessed to know everything that I can about everyone. I have a whole lot of photos, some I have no idea who they are. I visited my mother and went through the photos with her to see if she recognised anyone. She then let me know some of the family stories.

A very interesting story is one from my dad's side. About my grandfather's sister and my grandmother's sister. They both got impregnated by the same man at the same time. He then married my grandmother's sister because she was the youngest, and abandoned my grandfather's sister with a child. He then had more children with my grandmother's sister. This means that my grandfather's niece and my grandmother's nieces and nephew are half siblings. Here I was thinking that these people were only related by marriage. Nope, there is the same blood running through there on both sides!

Below I created a diagram in order to figure it out visually. I had to be a little bit creative with the family tree structure...

Then I asked my mother about one of her cousins. I asked who his mother was. I was confused because I knew that my great grandmother only had one surviving child, which was my grandmother (mother's side). I knew she had half siblings as her father moved on to another two women, so I was wondering if this particular cousin of my mother's came from one of those half siblings of my grandmother. Nope, it is more complicated than that. I had to go back to my great great grandmother. She had two children with a man, and then another child with another. Her first man also changed partners and had a daughter. That daughter of his then had another daughter and that person is the mother of my mother's cousin.

Thing is, I call the children of my mother's cousin my cousins. So I would like to include them in the family tree.

With all this in mind, drawing up a family tree will be a bit of a nightmare if I want to include everyone I know!

However this information journey is pretty cool. Just recently found out that my mother was present at my grandparent's wedding. They got married after having four children. I thought these kind of things only happened in the most recent generations. Guess not!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Starting what I never finished

Lately I have been doing some things I have planned to do in years.

One of those things is the print out a selection of my digital photos to put them in albums from 2004 until today. I planned to do this about 3 years ago when a bunch of photos got deleted from my computer, which I was lucky to have on CD at the time. The CD was slightly scratched and it took awhile for the computer to read it. I thought, "that was a close one, but one day that CD is going to fail."

Three years later (and many computer upgrades) I have started what I failed to start (and therefore finish). So far I have managed to print photos from 2004-2006. It turned out to be 385 photos and $74. Six more years to go... And counting.

I can only expect there to be way more photos in the coming years. Back in 2004-2006 my SD card was 512Mb big and I didn't have as much freedom to insanely point and shoot. I then acquired a 2gb card at around 2007. This is where things are going to get interesting (or extremely annoying considering I have to go through them all and select the best ones.)

It is also quite awkward. During 2004-2010 I was with my ex. There are a lot of photos that he is in. I have been cutting him out of a few, but he will always end up in some. I have to accept that he was a part of my past and I can't erase him completely.

It is also quite noticeable how big my boobs have grown since then.  

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Holidays, plants and heatwaves don't mix

The past two and a half weeks I have been overseas.

This means that no one was around to water my plants for that entire time. Furthermore, during one of those weeks there was a heatwave of temperatures of 40 degrees Celsius.

Before I left I had been battling with caterpillars. They were taking over and that was my main concern. Now I don't have to worry about caterpillars because most of the plants are dead.

Dried and brittle. It was a sad sight. My lush lettuce has turned stiff. My tomato seedlings crisp.
Everything brown.

A year ago I learned that water is vital for plants to stay alive. This time round I learned that you should have a watering plan when leaving for holidays, due to the fact of lesson number one. They absolutely do not survive without water.

All has not failed yet. My basil plant from a year ago is still alive and well. I think I have trained it to handle extreme conditions, because it cannot bet on ideal ones.

My lemon tree is still living, just a little bit sad...

I think I can salvage my chocolate mint as there is a little bit of green on one of the areas. However it is going to take a long time to repair.

My Youngberry still has a bit of green, so may survive also.

May need to do a bit of replacement shopping...

Water. Very important for plant survival!