
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Accepting unfinished lists and creating new habits

The main reason I created this blog was to gain some motivation and focus on the things I want to complete. I always start projects without finishing them. There's a huge list, and it keeps adding on.

Sometimes I wonder what the importance of completing it is. Is it the task itself of the feeling of self accomplishment? I really think is so that the list gets smaller, but I know that is never going to happen. Ever!

Lately I have been thinking if that is a bad thing. Should my lists reduce? Or should I keep adding onto them?   There are times people have said to me that if they didn't have a job they would be at home bored with nothing to do. I wonder how that can be. I can think of hundreds of things to do! Therefore there is never a time one can be bored at home. My job is keeping me away from it!

So I have decided that having this never ending list is a good thing. It keeps me occupied. It gives me something to do, whether or not it gets completed. Doing something is better than doing nothing.

One of the things that has been on my list for about a decade now is to read more books. I have never really been into fiction books because I cannot visualise fantasy as well as I can visualise real things. So at a very young age I found myself in the non-fiction sections of the library a lot. Younger age versions of me was reading books on arts and crafts, origami and cooking. Slightly older version of me was reading books on Greek mythology or Ancient Egypt. Older still, starting in my teens, it was books in Psychology and Science.

All these reading came from curiosity, not from entertainment, that's why fiction wasn't appealing. However this form of curiosity also took up time. I was never really a persistent reader because it hurt my eyes and I got easily distracted with other thoughts in my head. Then with the demands of high school and its reading, then university, reading for my own personal curiosity declined. There were also other methods in acquiring information, such as the Internet.

Even though I have not been to university in a little more than 2 years, my reading habit for curiosity has not come back. Mostly because I have forgotten how good books fulfil curiosity. There's information in books that is not as easily accessible on the Internet or other forms of information collecting. Also, on the Internet there is less focus. Too many things are distracting in the internet. Too many subject matters. Too many easily to click links. Too many funny cat videos.

One of my biggest issues has always been lack of focus. For example, this post was supposed to have been about something else than what I have just written. I became distracted by my own thoughts. However, at the same time these thoughts has given me some insight. I need more focus. I need to read.

Do something that requires focus to create the habit of focus. Sounds like a good plan to me.

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