
Friday, November 16, 2012


Alice in Wonderland 1985, mock turtle scene

Above is an image of the 1985 movie "Alice in Wonderland". I just finished watching the first part after more than a decade since I last saw it. This movie was one of my favourites growing up, however, back then it was just pretty pictures.

Today, it is more than just pretty pictures. It is more about the context.

I had never noticed all the references to change before. Not only that, it references all the different emotions one will face during their lives. It isn't all about pretty things and happy faces. The real world is full or things, both great and nasty. All you have to learn is that that is reality. You can either cry about it or just laugh.

I am glad I have watched this again, and can't wait to watch the second part, as it has always been my favourite. This movie is quite relevant to all of this that I am doing. It is about change, accepting some things and giving things a go.

It links to everything. It even links to my previous post where I had to write in a book with pen. Why question why it needs to be clean and crisp? Why question what will come from it? Why? Why? Why?

Why? Such a childlike thing to ask. However, I don't think I asked it enough as a child. I didn't really have anyone to answer me. So there was no point. I guess that is why I ask it so much as an adult. I still think it is fine to ask why, especially in some subject areas. However, for things so trivial, it is time I ask, "why not?"

Why not draw all over a book and cut it up? If I can, I might as well. Could be a good thing, could be a bad thing. Who knows. Who cares. Just do it. Why must I question every single thing?

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