
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm not going to spend the next hour thinking of the perfect title

Think of an idea. Start a project. Never complete it. Repeat.

Sounds like you? It definitely sounds like me.

I am a bit of a procrastinator. This realisation came to me when I went in for a remedial massage. My reason to go get one was because I had a bit of an accident and my body has been in pain ever since. The time between the accident and going to get a massage was around 10 months. Ten months to do something about pain. That is dedication to procrastinating right there.

First step to changing something is to acknowledge it. I am a procrastinator. Step 1 done and completed. Getting better already. I didn't decide to change this right after realising that I procrastinate a lot. One day I was cleaning out my drawers, something I had been wanting to do for years. I stumbled upon a blanket I started crocheting in 2006. I had completely forgotten about it, and thought it was a shame that it was never completed. I am now completing it. The first of many incomplete projects.

Mind you, not all projects went unfinished.

In 2010 I completed a cross stitched bookmark. I started making it in 1996. Same story as before. Started it. Got distracted with another project. Forgot about it. Found it years later. Decided it was about time I finished it.

Bookmark with cross stitched koala
The cross stitched bookmark. Evidence that it is completed. 
I wanted to take this photo with a camera I bought 2 months ago. 
I hadn't yet charged the battery, so was unable to. 
I've never used it. So I took it with my phone instead.

This is evidence that I am able to complete a project.

This blog is also a part of my journey. More about it in the next post. Whenever I'll write it...

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