
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Done it

Here it is. The blog. Now what?

The main purpose of this blog is its existence. It just has to exist for it to be. And it just is.

I've wanted to create a blog for years now and have always failed with the outcome. The process was usually the same:

1. Think of what it is going to be about (subject/niche).
2. Thinking about the perfect title.
3. Choosing the perfect layout.
4. Wondering how frequently I should post.
5. Forgetting to post or not being able to write about the subject.
6. Forget about the blog altogether.
7. Anti-win...

The first 4 points would take months to do. So this time, I just created one and named it what it is. It just is. And I am doing it. No further thought. No specific subject. Just whatever. It just needed to exist. Took me seconds.

I am not going to restrict it, which is what helped me fail previously. I will post whatever and whenever. I am no longer creating a blog for you. I am creating one for me. That may sound a tad bit selfish, but it really isn't. It just means that it will have more freedom. Which means the posts are more random, and potentially more interesting than my other failed blog "Slightly Unedited Photography" or SUP for short. No posts came out of that one!

It means that I am doing what I want to do. And it will work. It is for me, but it is public, so it can be for you too. It could inspire, motivate, show you something new, help you fall in love, create world peace, etc. Whatever. It is non-restricted.

So there. I've done it. Something I wanted to do for years, but didn't because I wanted it perfect. Screw perfect! It's restrictive.

If it just is, that means it is impossible to fail. It exists, and that is the win.

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